Most people don't know this, but our very own Chucknician - the glue that holds the control room together - was raised by wolves in a suburban Toronto park. This well guarded secret was let out during the annual Atlantis Christmas party where Chuck and Dr Vogel got notoriously drunk and the truth was let out. Upon checking his personal records (you wouldn't believe the passwords I have access to...) I found his SGC application indicated he "...had a close-knit childhood" and "moved around quite a bit". I tried to approach him on the subject the next day but he just growled and said something like "You don';t know what it's like..." I thought it best to just leave it there.
Just goes to show you may think you know who you're working with -- but do you really?...
Zelenka? Are you screwing off on the internet again? Cut that out and get down here and help me with these power couplings already! I'm bound to get electrocuted or go into hypoglycemic shock or something OW OW OH GOD SHORT CIRCUIT BURNING BURNING SKIN CRISPING CANT FEEL MY LEGS SPARKS FLYING I'M GONNA
I think you better go help a certain Head of Science before we all feel his wrath. And don't worry about Chuckie, once he feels you are a part of his "pack", he will open up to you more.
Words fail me at the moment. I think it's time I went back to work and pretend to have never ever ever used the internet for personal entertainment purposes.
So what you're saying is, it's easy to keep Chuck in line as long as you've got a full stash of Milk Bones and a rolled-up Sunday New York Times handy?
Always knew there was something fishy about that guy.
Oh, wait, that was the carp.
Never mind.
So, how were the holidays?
That seriously made my day.
There are worse things than being raised by wolves - being raised by agoraphobic gypsies for example. The inside of those wagons can get really boring.
And it does give him such a snappy answer to "What's wrong with you? Were you raised by wolves?". :D
*giggle* Thanks for brightening my day! So it is settled then, the Mysterious Canadian Gate Tech's name is Chuck? Inquiring minds want to know!
Happy New Year! and thanks so much for blogging!
I suppose it could be worse though.....he could have been raised by some rural wolves, instead of their more sophisticated urban cousins.
Could be worse. Could be like finding out your coworker is a closet Genii. At least the worst Chuck can do is pee at the leg of your lab table. I'd spray for fleas.
Oh, my...that just clears so many things up.... :-D
I so needed that laugh today.
I thought those looked like two wild and crazy eyes... Also explains why he's so loyal to Weir. If he starts snuffling at the chow wagon, just smack him on the rump. er.... wait a minute...
Actually, I WOULD believe the passwords you have access too, especially after seeing this.
And wolves aren't so bad. He could have been raised by baboons or lemurs. THAT would be quite interesting.
Now stop screwing around on the internet and get back to work! We wouldn't want anyone else to know you're doing this, would we?
Oh my god this is just priceless. And yet we still can not get a picture of Chuck smiling and I guess now we know why, he is always having a "dog gonnit day".
Thanks David, that was great. You are right, one does not always know ones co-workers especially if they have access to passwords that they shouldn't (smile).
First of all: Oh my, you have a blog! I didn't know that. I shall stalk you now. (not in a psycho way, but in a fangirl way... which is worse, actually)
Secondly: CHUCK! Hahaha, I love that guy. We need to see more of him on SGA!
Aw, you guys are all so awesome.
It's official. Geeks are slowly but surely conquering the television medium.
Chucknician Charles Wolf?
It beats being raise by a gaggle of duckbilled platypii?
He's a pretty cute wolf boy! :D
Happy New Year David.
Lots of well wishes,
Fan from Oz!
...too many 'Due South' references, too little time. :)
Ah, one never knows what will come out at a Christmas party (or any work related party for that matter) always a good idea to keep in mind that someone will see or hear SOMETHING - and really bad if you have to work with them after they have learned something unexpected about you.
Thanks for the data burst. Hope you had fantastic holidays.
Well, now we know who keeps the dogs....(I mean men!).....in line on Atlantis. LOL!
I sometimes wonder about the people I work with.
Hmmm...that does indeed clear up some questions that I have had about dear Chuck.
Thanks for the good laugh. :)
Hope your holidays were great!
I knew Chuck had a secret!! Ha!! Now we all know...*shifty eyes* This of course has sent plot bunnies off in all directions for fanfiction...
Incidentally, is he the alpha male and are you threatening his status?
Hey, his name is Chuck? I've always wondered!
Just carry a taser with you and Chuck shouldn't be any problem at all.
Wait until you hear Miko's history...
Hehehe. I made a little manip of WOLF!Chuck, you might want to use it for blackmail purposes.
Oh that was priceless! Thanks for the good chuckle, I needed it today!
Welcome back and hope you had a great holiday!
Awww. Such a cute little wolf pup. If you want to make sure he doesn't run loose, there's always Invisible Fence. :-)
Thanks for the cheer up :) I love christmas parties, episally when i'm the only one not drinking and can remember everything people have said ;) owww....just got a great idea for a fanfic. Thanks!
Dr Z,
You are a wonderful and crazy man!
I had just been pointed here and I hadn't even known you had a blog! But this is SO great. ^.^ I'd just watch out around Chuck, I mean, you upset him, he might go for your calf or something.
That is so beautiful.
Holy Moley. What kinda crack are they giving you folks there?
(Is it available anywhere else?)
The really remarkable thing about this little known fact is that this makes him no more unusual than anyone else on the expedition.
That is the truly disturbing element.
I know that this is completely and totally old news but everytime I see "Chuck" onscreen, I flash back to this post and giggle.
Every. Single. Time.
Just had to say thanks. :D
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