Last one.
This is fun. Okay, for real this time - whoever gets this one gets a Zelenka SuperPhoto Deluxe, complete with signature, featuring eyes-that-follow-you-around-the-room and extra bonus stargate party hat. For real.
If you guess correctly, you have to email me a mailing address though, so I can send it to you.
I'll leave this one open for a few days...
Mazatlan, Mexico?
Mazatlan, Mexico!!
LOL... we're having too much fun. (You left a glaring sign. It took less than five minutes.)
Where is the picture taken *from*?
Yeah! These are fun!!!
You must've corrected the picture, because I don't see the glaring sign.
-Leaper 182
Costa rica! Not really..
D'OH !!
How'd you get it so fast!!?
What was the glaring sign?
Well, jeez that lasted three minutes. You're PIRANHAS you lot.
Meg, email me at my gmail your mailing address. You win.
hee, the glaring sign was the hotel belmar on the side of the building.
Will do sir!
There's THOUSANDS of hotel Belmar's all over the world.!!
congrats Meg!!!
ROFL... and images of those thousands of hotels on google. Palm trees, the beach, hilly area lookin' a little South American. Too fun.
And with a group chatting on YIM and searching at the same time well...
:D Congrats to MEG :D
Dr Z said...
There's THOUSANDS of hotel Belmar's all over the world.!!
True, but the glaring pink trim and the nearby brown building makes it a dead giveaway!
Squirrel power!
...and Google wins again.
The ONLY time I decide to leave the house for fresh air today. Curses! Well done, Meg.
*flails by* I missed the party hat. D:
Have no idea where this is as I haven't been around the world a lot.
But I love the idea of you posting all these pics and keeping us guessing. And tempting us with a superduper deluxe of photo of Dr Z!
congrats Meg!
Well I'd still be clueless even with the glaring sign!
remember Meg, you love me the most
Wow, I go to bed for six hours and y'all just get all happy on me.
It occurs to me though - Hewlett has his squirrels. Perhaps Dr Z needs something slightly more - elegant? Cuddly?
I vote for cats. Or maybe wolves. I kinda like wolves...
Meg, your Google-fu's da best!
OMG, I've been there!!!!!
MEG, congrats girl! I visited Mazatlan last summer.
So it's totally unfair that Misty, Rowan,Rachael, and Meg are the first to answer. WHY WASN'T I IN CHAT?!?!?!
You should go for European towns next time :P
LOL... lapis, I was just wondering what Dr. Z would have for a... mascot. He already called us Pirahna... not so elegant or cuddly, though. *chopchop*
It has to be cuddly? I volunteer the Harrier Hawk. Native to the Sumava mountains, elegant... Very smart, keen eye, decidedly quick... and wicked talons... I think we should be Zelenka's Harriers.
Eh, I'm totally for pirahnas. Anyone who ever said pirahnas weren't cute haven't seen this clip from Ice Age 2.
(Sound slightly out of sync, but you get the idea)
Oh Spubba! That is hilarious. The squirrel kicked the pirahna's but.
But if I'm a squirrel & a pirahana....I'm one confused creature.
Hey, I can go with piranhas. Whatever da boss man say.
I was in chat last night. How did I miss this? I guess I had better stay away from gambling with my luck like it is.
Congrats to Meg.
I go to work and miss all the fun. Don't it just figure.
Way to go Meg!
Grrr...this is what I get for having internet out for days at a time. Missing out on a real picture!
Congrats to Meg, I don't think I could have found it that fast.
Congratz Meg! Like Tammy, I missed that YIM chat last night. (Never underestimae the power of the squirrels.) :) I can handle being a squirrel and a pirahna (or whatever) but I will be one strange looking animal! Ha!
Please do not let this be the last one. I am so liking this game.
Stargates, Squirrels and Piranhas Oh My!
Could never get this even with the sign^^ only even been to two different places outside of England (France doesn't count, i was 8 on a school trip).
Not from a lack of wanting to see the world but lack of time and money. So jealous of those who get to travel.
Started saving for a trip to Canada late next year and planning to go to America in 2009.
Can you try one from the UK next ;)
P.S. any chance of you making it to P2. Would really love you to come, it's going to be a blast but you'd be the icing on the cake. If not, any chance of you doing any other UK dates?
Red Phoniex
Sarah Hardy
So this is getting fun. I have a sig that was made because of your calling us pirahnas.
However, the squirrels (the squirrel which are literally taking over Myspace) told me it would be too big to use on here.
SO....if you'd like to see it go to my blog.
Would you like people to send you pictures for others to guess? That might save search time on your part, and it would be up to the submitter to make the picture sufficiently vague.
Just a thought--but then, you might get inundated with photos and I'm sure you are quite busy enough as it is!
Enjoy! And thank you for blogging!
Awhhh sucks. I missed all the fun. This is so great that you fun with your fans!!!!
Congradulations meg!!
Here's a sad snapshot of my life: I was reading Kate Hewlett's blog and saw that windshieldbug had said something about David Nykl, piranhas and squirrels. Spending as much among the squirrels as I do, I couldn't figure out what I'd missed, so I went to the forum where we squirrels hang out to ask for help. Tmac directed me here, and now I've read all of Dr. Z's posts and the resulting comments. From blog to forum to blog. That's just so scary...
(Windshieldbug....I can't sign in!)
Dr. Z needs something that has a deceptively cuddly appearance, but should not be underestimated, but I can't think of a good example, other than my cat. The fangs are hidden until you mess with him.
Platypus are deceptively cuddly. Also, it appears a squirrel in ducks clothing, with the power to maim like a pirahna, and the nick-name of a cat - Among other equally cute and startling abilities and attributes.
Good one, darklock! Plus, adjectives like "weird" or "strange" are quite often used to describe them. Heh.
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