Sometimes it really is a faraway place - the Earth Internet. Particularly certain corners of it. I hope it all turns out...
At the risk of turning this into a trivia site I'll post ONE MORE and then maybe NO MORE of these pictures. This is meant to be a SERIOUS and NECESSARY communication tool and not some place you go to while away time while bored at work.
The winner of THIS trivia picture guess (remember - I want exact location) gets yet another super-ultra durable Zelenka Picture, printed on extra absorbent paper, featuring eyes-that-follow-you-around-the-room-in-a-creepy-yet-strangely-endearing way, and a completely non-official Dollar Store Knock Off Stargate Party hat. How can you turn that down.
Now let me see.... how about this one:
Hey! Who's got this one!?
What's 'bored'?
Hmmm...its a small village...in a country...somewhere in the world...
oh this is gonna be easy, I mean Earth isn't *that* big!
I have no idea, but it is very, very pretty. *nods*
Hm. Reminds me of some photos I saw of Chotebor (sorry, I have no idea how to put them little tick marks all over the letters and make 'em fancy like y'all do) in Czech Republic which I saw a couple years back, someone posted 'em when DN was there for a con.
Sure looks like pretty country, at any rate.
It's very pretty where ever it is. :)
The license plates give it away as European. The light/power poles give it away as eastern European.
The countryside is semi-mountainous so.....
Since Tammy guessed Prague, I'm going to say Brno. Since it is further east and south. (I have a hard time not saying Czechoslovakia since I was in Prague in the last 80s.)
Yep. Brno is my guess.
As for the Squirrels: David Hewlett dubbed us little furry rodents.
As for Piranhas: YOU did that! :)
As for Lemmings: You probably don't want to know. Joe Mallozzi started that one, not in a good way. It's best to let sleeping pups lie.
South Bohemia, Czech Republic?
I did say Prague, Czech Republic. :P
But it looks like it looks like it could be Moravia.
ah ah ah. Not just lemmings dear one, but shrill lemmings. It makes all the difference in the world. ;)
Well, i was going to say Ireland for the pic but others seem convinced its eastern europe so Czech Republic somewhere maybe?
I am so bad at these games...
Wherever it is, it was taken from the church steeple.
it looks like this village in europe i saw on a tv show where some chick rides around naked on a horse once a year...
I am wishing I could read Czech... I'm all confused now. Brdy hills, but where... I haven't found a decent map yet to compare topography. The city in the back-ground gives a few clues as to sky-line... Aaarrgh!
Drat. What's to the east of Pribram? Rozmital is too far south. Okay. I'm quiet now.
Hmmm, it could be Štramberk in the Czech Republic but I'm just guessing :)
I have no idea where that is, but it's beautiful. You post great pictures. :)
Slavonice ?
I know one thing for sure; I have spent way too much time browsing Czech photo sites tonight. I went to one and the only word I could read was 'shopping'. Is that like a universal word/language for women? ;) I’m fluent in that.
It's very pretty, I think it would be nice to visit.
I should know this because I just took eastern european history but they don't show pictures of houses. Though I did learn a lot about the surrealist socialists who dressed like elves in protest of the iron curtain.
The picture reminds me of the Hide and Seek Olympics monty python sketch though. So I fail at being a history major but my monty python is up to par. /ramble
This had a point I swear.
hmm, I've searched for 30 minutes now and it's getting way too late. If no one's gotten this by morning I'll keep trying then.
Good luck everyone!!
Heh, definitely Czech Republic but it could be anywhere. Why is it that almost all Czech villages look all the same? :) Looks like Moravia (Vysočina). Can't tell you the exact village name but it looks awfully similar to the one we pass by when we go to our cottage near Kunštát. :)
D'oh, I suck at trivia. ;)
České Budějovice.
...I'm going to sheepishly admit I got that off a beer bottle. Ha.
I want to say it's around Karlovy Vary or Plzen (as seen from underneath a pterodactyl, maybe?) or go with consensus and guess somewhere in Moravia. Olomouc in the background? It's a a bit hard to tell, considering the Czech Republic isn't all that flat. It's really familiar, I know it is!
I think it is somewhere in Orlicke hory. There is one village called Zelenka (Grunborn).
Or now it is part of Orlicke zahori.
Nah, can't be.
My inner Google Maps-sense is telling me to echo Spubba's guess of Chotebor. I'm using a road map, some old photos, and a very tired mind, but I'm 84.3% positive it's right.
And if not, at least I still have the beer.
*sigh* I am terrible at this and with this one, I can't seem to concentrate long enough to actually form a guess.
I keep getting lost daydreaming about living in that nice little house - the one right there, right over the hill and technically out of sight?
Wait - I AM avoiding work. Drat.
Even if I am terrible at these guessing games, I still thank you for posting them. Nice little daydreams about letting my inner gypsy out and just taking off for parts unknown.
Definately NOT Ireland or anywhere in the UK, if only from the fact that the cars are on the wrong side of the road. (Or the right side, depending on how you want to look at it!)
Also that interesting brown structure just to the left of center isn't something you'd find in the British Isles. As to specifics about where it is, no clue, though eastern Europe feels right.
oookay, not exactly what I meant by "european town next time" :P Now you are giving us some random little Czech village :P
Too green to be France...
Too sunny to be Scotland or Ireland...
I just don't know !
This is a good one David! It could go for days. Without doing any detailed research (cause I have lots of stuff to do today) my first thoughts are that it is definately in the Austria, Czeck Republic, Liechtenstein (I did look up the right spelling of that!)areas of Europe. I'll spend some time on it later if no one has guessed it yet.
Hi everyone, and hi David! New here, just joined the fun... I have no idea where this place could be, I wish I had a CSI-like computer program to zoom on car licence plates but I don't, and you sure made sure there aren't any other signs!
I know it's NOT Trieste (where I live. And if that name rings a bell, yes, David, I've met you and told you this!).
I think it's someplace where it snows/rains a lot, both 'cause it's very green AND because the roofs are steep.
Hmmm... ok, now I've got something to do for the next few days!
Francy from Italy
I really think it is in Czech Rep., because the grey car is old Škoda, made in Czechoslovakia and the houses are joined together, what is more common in Czech that in Slovakia (and in Slovakia we have bigger mountains:).
This picture appears to have been taken out of a train window between Prague and the Austrian Border...and I only know that because I have ridden that train and have a picture of what appears to be the exact same street. As for the exact name...no idea ;)
Great picture though. This has been fun.
I'll try
You have NO idea how badly this picture is making me want to visit the Czech Republic now...that's beautiful!
everyone's saying Czech Republic...
...Biertan, Romania?
or perhaps Saschiz (also Romania)?
Stredocesky, i think, i found another picture which i'm sure is the same place
And here I thought blogs and journals where exactly meant to be the place where to go when bored. That's what I do. *grins*
greetings from a lemming XD
How about some little town in Bravaria?
I am doubting this guess highly. Hurry up then Dr. Z!
Give us a hint if we aren't even CLOSE.
Breznice? Or possibly Komarov?
I really have no clue where I'm talking about, I've just been looking at pictures and tearing my hair out in frustration for far longer than I'd planned on being online.
Honestly brdy.info has some great pictures, now if only I could read what the site said!
It's, it's on Earth! I'm sure of it! The PEgasus Galaxy is full of nothing but fur trees and no lush green pastures. I'm going with Switzerland because it's all I can think of. I'm sure I'm way off.... but it's in Europe, right?
I see the squirrel, piranhas (I missed that one!) and lemmings (they're now a world order - geez, you're offline for a few hours and a world order was asembled).
Let us know when you reveal the location's identity :)
I have to ask what am I still doing up at 2:30 in the morning trying to win a pic of Dr. Z and a party hat. Geez, where are my priorities, really.
Geez, I have to ask what am I still doing up at 2:30 in the morning trying to win a pic of Dr. Z and a party hat. Where are my priorities, really!(Smile)
I have to give up for the night or rather morning. I have tried every combination of "corner" that I can think of, not to mention half a dozen countries with clues from others and I am not having any luck. Maybe later....Right now I hear the faint sounds of sleep coming my way...ZZZZZZZZZZ
*rubs eyes* I've a headache and the certainty that Dr. Z's snuck in an intense and concentrated geography lesson. Bravo. I know a lot more about the Czech Republic than I thought I'd ever know and I'm rather pleased with that. However, I'm getting no closer to discovery. Everywhere I've visited so far is gigantic. Heh. I don't even know if I'm at the right corner of the globe.
We got democracy here. We can vote:) Who want some hints? I do.
i second the hint please :D
What a tease! lol
Come on now, throw us a bone. :)
Don't know where it is exactly since I don't think I've ever seen those house colours together in that kind of setting, but the countryside looks disturbingly similar to where I am right now. *grins*
Oh, the lemming thing... we are RUNNING with that. We will never let him forget he said that - we've got screencaps. ;)
~ Lemming Webmistress ~
Well, I´d say Chotěboř in the first place, but since it has been here already.. Havlíčkův Brod, cos it´s the next stop by the train :)
(Windshieldbug Here.....I can't sign in!)
*Whistles*?!?! Are we to take that as a hint?
Some little town in Holland. :-P Don't they whistle alot?
*Blow raspberry at Dr. Z*
“not some place you go to while away time while bored at work.”
You said you don’t want *refreshes page* this to be a place where people *refreshes page* go to waste time while they are *refreshes page* bored. Until this picture location is *refreshes page* revealed, I know several people who will be checking constantly for any hints. I keep expecting my browser to start giving me a pop up notice of “Would you stop doing that” each time I refresh.
I really, really would love a super-ultra durable Zelenka Picture, printed on extra absorbent paper, featuring eyes-that-follow-you-around-the-room-in-a-creepy-yet-strangely-endearing way. *grin*
Sadly, I do not believe I will be able to guess this photo location.
ROTFLOL Tammy!! You are certainly not the only one! I've only refreshed this page about 15 or 20 times. :D
I'm still looking although not as zealously as I was at first. I'm supposed to be working. :p
Kdyby co, Davide??? *raises her eyebrow*
Susice, Czech Republic
My google skills are horrifyingly lame, so all I can garner from that... hint? is that i think 'kdyby' means something along the lines of "if" and i'm even more confused than before!
[slinks off to finish chemistry assignment]
Klatovy or Vrhaveč, ČR
LOL... I found a english-czech translator so I can kindamaybewrongly say I'm bezradny. Put a little thingie over the 'y'. Kdyby is many things including an animated film. Press on!!
I am afraid that it was no hint. And I am afraid somebody is rejoicing his revange after somebody else find out his last picture in 5 minutes...
Okay. Last one - The village of Nelahozeves.
Done. Got things to do... aaaaaaaaaaaah. I get to excited about treasure hunts.
ok, I'm gonna go completely off and say Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, UK :P
Toulcuv dvur?
Bavorov? (Or is it bil Bavorov?)
And *growl* at having such evil clues, it took me a while to find that one out, if it's right...I think I may have it though, if I've taken the clues in.
hi all! ok here's my guess...
havirov, czech republic?
Bavorov, Czech Republic.
Carolyn wins! It was taken form the church steeple.
Although I wonder if you got it from my hint " Kdyby byl...."
"Co jsou Vodnany, dal bych ti hubicku..."
Congratulations. That was a tough one.
I need an address, Carolyn.
Congratulations Carolyn!! I'm impressed!
Google is your friend...and trust the music major to figure the clues out. The address is on its way.
Oh yes... NOW I can see why did you say "Kdyby" *facepalm* Never thought of a song, LOL!
Congrats and thanks Carolyn:) This was fun. But now there are more important things waiting to be done...
"That was a tough one."
It sure was. I don't know whether to be aggravated that I didn't figure it out or relieved that it's over. lol Though it was fun.
Congratulations Carolyn.
Thanks for the game Dr. Z
Cesky Krumlov?
Just a guess...
LOL... music. Congratulations, Carolyn! I can stand down.
Do I get partial credit because I figured out it was taken from a church steeple? (Yeah, like that took a lot of brilliance *ppptttfftthhbb*)
Ah well, maybe some other day, some other place.
Got any pictures of San Diego? Them, I know.
Exactly! I feel all brilliant that I at least figured out that it was some place in CR and probably taken from a church steeple.
And I think I learned a lot about the Czech Republic while I was trying to guess... that in itself was fun!
YAY!!! Carolyn!! Congrats.
Congradulations Carolyn.
That was a good one!!! And fun, as I can say after I got some sleep.
Congratulations Carolyn! Great job!
...amazing! Congratz!!!
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