Okay STOP! Goodness. (Hmmm, why DID I ask that question?...)
I'm pretty darn sure (85%) that I'll be going to Pegasus 2 in London, February 3-4. Negotiations continue!!!
I look forward to meeting the North European / UK Sector of "The Crazy New Worldwide Phenomenon known as Zelenkism" as it continues its march around the world. Look forward to meeting you!
Hope to see you at Pegasus 2!!!
*sob* Why, oh why, do the cool people never come to Ontario?
...It's yet another reason to live somewhere else...anywhere else...
Oh, and I hope you manage to get to see the rest of the UK while you're over here :D
Remember remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot...
Viva l'inghilterra!
Nice photo. I had always wondered what Kitsilano looked like.
Woohoo! I'm looking forward to the con even more now.
EEEE! That's me squeeing in Australia.
I'll see you there - please do come :D
Good show that man! *sends travelling type vibes at you*
Of course, if you don't show up now, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and general fangirl despair. So don't let us down!
Good you really should go! I'll just have to live vicariously through all the pictures everyone takes. :)
Unless you decide to attend the TrekExpo in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June or Dragoncon in Atlanta, Georgia in September. I'll be working at the TrekExpo and I am almost 90% positive I'm going to Dragoncon. :p
David, if you're going to be there, and there are still tickets available, I am THERE! (I have more £s thatn I thought!) Do let us know ASAP whether you're coming to my beautiful city.
BTW - Nice photo - one of my favourite sights in London!
(Windshield bug)
Ummmmm London, Big Ben? LMAO
So sorry! Had to!
Hey....you asked! You practically threw yourself on the gauntlet to be hounded by us poor poor fans. Zelenkism will rule one day!
:( No mention as to if you'll come to Dragon*Con.
Ya HAD to know if you asked us, we'd want you there. Or...anywhere. 'Cause we're devoted that way.
London, England...by the Thames, no? oh & isn't it the Parliament buildings?
aww, I wanted to go to Peg 2...sadly, I live in California. Oh well.
OH! OH! *waves hand frantically*
I KNOW this one! Wait...what? You're teasing and this isn't a contest?
Ooh, TrekExpo? That WOULD be a fun one to go to, and it's close enough to me that it can be driven in one day! Atlanta, a bit of a stretch and my parents might not want me to, plus school.
Hm, good luck with travel plans, hope you have an easier time getting there than you did getting to Springfield. And do consider us poor midwesterners who just want to meet you and can't afford to travel in your future negotiations. ;)
Ahahah! That reminds me of when we went to London on holiday and our kids got to pick a sight they absolutely wanted to see, my son picked 'the Eiffel tower' (in his defense; we're not from England and he was six at the time).
Here's to hoping 85% sure will become 100% !
In the same week they will have "A Dog's Breakfast" screening and You ! I think I hate London.
Paris est bien mieux, non ? :)
Woo hoo!!!!!
Excellent news! Hopefully I'll see you there :)
Hope so much to see you @ PEG2!!!
D&D would be so much fun!!!
Oh dear...the first three days of Feb.
The longest month for me yet. I have my friends birthday happening over that weekend and probably rehearsels for Joseph at college.
I hope that everyone who goes will have a great time, I still have to find time, money, an ability to travel...
...to make it to a convention...
Oh and by the way that's London, Westminister (Right???). Most likely taken from the London Eye. I remember getting a picture like that when I went on there last year.
SO GREAT!!!!!! I really hope the 85 goes to 100 ;)
This con is going to be so fantastic! Going to have to buy a larger memory card for my camera^^
You'll love London, so much to see and get lost in. People always think i'm from London cos of my accent but i'm a Northants, about 150 miles away. Been to London a few times (got lost everytime)and this trip i WILL get on the eye!If you do go (PLEASE!!!!) there'll be a drink waiting for you from me.
Guess my begging was just right^^
Oh, that's fantastic :D 85% isn't bad odds. Hope you can make it!
Let me go on the Wolf message board and harrass Bryan to "get" you! :-))
Hope to see you there!
Man, I'd love to go. Why can't they have cons in driving distance from me?
85% sounds like a pretty good chance :D We'd love to see you (in case you hadn't guessed!)
Oh My Freaking God YAY!!!!!!!!
I promise to behave this time and act normal...or as close to normal as its possible for me to act...
That picture, I actually knew: houses of parliament/ westminster/ big ben!
You gave me a heart attack yesterday! But it'll be GREAT to see you agian...in our soggy little country (okay so it's slushy at the moment).
Let us know the final outcome!
(tho we'll know at about 9:30pm on the friday night...what do you mean the meet and greet is at 8:30.....factor in convention mean time!)
Just read the announcement on the wolf boards!
Cant wait to meet you again!
That's great news...hopefully the snow would have melted by next week....or else 'the wrong type of snow' on the trainline may hamper my journey to London!
Yay!! Can't wait to see you there!!
Fantastic news! Thanks for saying you'll (almost certainly) come!
All the interesting cons are way, far away, from my little corner of Connecticut. And I've never seen London either (Cambridgeshire belfries and pubs are another story). Now if Dr Z were to want to visit a casino....
I hope everyone has a great time at the con! Enjoy for those of us who won't be there.
Gemma...act nomal...? Who are you and where is the real Gemma? :)
Yay, you'll be at P2!!!! See you in less than 2 weeks!!! *does the happy dance*
Where do you get these photos? They are great! I live in an incredibly bland cookie-cutter suburb in the midwest U.S., so it's good to see that's there's a world out there that doesn't come in shades of beige. I'm feeling the need to go tie-dye something...
Aw riiight! Damn skippy! Looks like David's got some of those rockstar-caliber groupies at last! Somebody buy that man a drink and take plenty of snapshots, will ya? I want to see pictures of the Zelenkistas with our Glorious Leader and read amusing con reports!
Have LOTS of fun, David, and let us know all about it when you get back! :D :D :D
Uhm, Mississauga (in the pic) -- right? No, wait, I know, it's Port Townsend.
darklock here -
Wolf has you listed as a 'Special Bonus Guest'? Bravo!
Way to stand out nicely in a crowd. ;-)
So..after P2 it will be Stargate Vancouver, then, Toronto for Polaris aka Toronto Trek right??? Looking forward to hopefully meeting you (Canada needs more cons man)
Have a wonderful time in London! (and I'm still hoping you come to NYC, because eventually *everyone* comes to NYC!)
you're going to get REALLY drunk on all the free drinks people will be buying you for coming ;)
Best news I've had all week!!! YAY! :) Can't wait to see you in person!
Hey, Dr Z!
i was surfing on the web when, -my god!- you have a blog! XD
i'm french and i hoped you will come in my country...
sob sob...
no way. and i can't go to London. *sad*...
so, i stop cryin (^___^) and i wanted to tell you you're great!
(yes, of course you are!)
i hope i'll get the chance to see you someday... for real!!!
so, see you Doc! ^^
firstly...I have no idea why my name came up as Gemma on the other post and BeckyS I will have you know that Gemma will be acting normal against her will...she has friends with tubs of the reeeeeeeeally fine glitter aimed at her head and they know how to use them!
And I dont want to walk around like tinkerbell for the next year!
darklock here -
I haven't received a response from the davidnyklfans yahoo group, and others are also waiting, so I've created -
It's for those of us who want to continue chatting over a post that Dr. Z has created here, or for just chat in general regarding DN, his roles, the Czech Republic, etc.
*points at self* Not much of a group owner/moderator. Cheers!
If only I could go to Pegasus 2, but alas I cannot. I wish you my best, though!
Great great great. I can't wait to see you again. (Can I say the photo on the right corner is very familiar to me and other people?)(:))
Woohoo! You're coming to P2. Next weekend is going to be so much fun. I really don't think I could have found a better way to spend my 21st bday.
Only a week to go, but even that seems entirely too long.
Zelenkist Piranhas? Weird, eh? Anyway, lucky, those who get to go to Peg2. Maybe I'll see you at some other con then. We'll wait and see what happens.
David...I think I'm going to ask once a week for the next 214 days for you to come to Dragon*Con 07.
Oh yes, you must go to Dragon*Con. It will be my first con to go to. What a treat that would be. :)
We were just watching Grace Under Pressure and Critical Mass *again* tonight, by the way the end scene with the face paint in CM was hilarious, ;) and my daughter said "you know, I really like Zelenka."
Well, since windshieldbug and tmac72 both said this I'll go ahead and chime in also...Please, please, please go to Dragon*Con! :D
Well, since it looks like I'm going to be dragged kicking and screaming to Dragon*Con myself, I guess I'd better chime in and say David ought to put in an appearance.
Because at last count, it seems like the whole dang Zelenka fanclub is going to be there...
Have to say, one of my favourite SGA scenes is the "You are the loop" one with you and Torri. So cute!
Hope you guys continue to get screen time together, despite them making her recurring (not happy about that.....)
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