Okay. Here it is. I'm delivering on my promise: the ever-popular and very fine Paul McGillion and a Pachyderm (he's the one on the -- ... aw ha ha ha..). There's also some Alan Tudyk - very nice to meet you, a fine fellow indeed, again, and of course the ever-popular David Nykl, who who's generating some serious Oscar® buzz with his latest picture "Queensland Mystic". Yup.
Thank You Australia Zoo! It was... was... Crikey!
I'm also very proud to be publishing what I'm pretty sure is the only know photo of Paul McGillion and a Wombat in existence.
Oh and I can't forget the enigmatic and virtuous Mungo McKay (right) who showed up just on the nick of time. Awesome.
We haven't played Name the Location in an age, haven't we?... Remember? The Name the Exact Location Game, where I publish a photo and you try to guess the location? I think it's time. It's been far too long. And I've got a bunch of new ones...Right after this commercial break .. ..
Wombats are the only creatures cooler than elephants. Great pics! Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you very much for the photographs.
I prefer animals to humans (except the tom cat currently begging for food) and elephants are amazing creatures. Better than that - they are so big they make me look small and slender!
I hope you and Paul both enjoyed the zoo and Oz. What about a visit to Scotland?
I think the only thing that Australia has that I wish we here in NZ had are wombats. And Cherry Ripes. Man I miss those.
Cheers for the photos. :)
name the location? That's easy, you're at the Australia Zoo -- it's on the breast pocket of the staff's uniform!
I love wombats, I think they're very under-rated - so cute! I had one run along in front of my car (yes, I was driving really really slowly) once and he was so cute, that was right after 5 wallabies jumped across in front of my car - seriously! It was fun to see.
Love getting the chance to meet you David - hope you enjoyed/are enjoying the rest of your stay in our wonderful country and I hope to see you back again some time.
I didn't think that wombats got that big. DANG!
Looks like you guys had a great time.
More location game! Cool!
You guys looked like you had a great time! Nice to see Chris Sabbat in the background there too :)
Thank you again for coming to visit our fine country; it was a truly a pleasure to meet both you and Paul, and I hope you come back soon.
Sarah T x
Looks like fun! Thank you for posting this, it looks like you guys are having a great time.
Safe travel and pleasant days wished for ya.
Glad you have a good time. Those elephants leave quite a bit of errr "snot" on your hands when you feed them, huh. Reminds me of when I visited Australia Zoo. I was able to get into one of the wombat pens with the animal encounters. They are amazing animals. Thankyou for sharing.
Wombats and elephants and Alans, oh my! So, in the picture with the wombat, Paul looks a bit gobsmacked. Or is he just having way too much fun?
Seriously though, if you want zoos, San Diego's got a bang-up one. Come visit! We've got cookies. And elephants.
David Nykl, you win at everything. The photos are awesome!
Aw, the wombat is so cute ^^
*sigh* thee sci-fi masters in one place, I wish I were there! Maybe some day... *tries jedi mind tricks* you WILL come to Massachusetts... you WILL! And you will question the Powers That Be why there has never been a Coast Guard Personnel on the show... every other branch (and then some..) but no coastie...
Anyways, great to hear from you as always :)
Sounds it was a great time and the time at the zoo looks incredibly fun! Thanks for sharing David.
Very Nice pictures..Cool Wombat...ever thought about a visit out this way?
Warm Fuzzies from Nova Scotia
What? No pic of Paul with the giant turtle?
Glad you had a fun time!
Hi Dr Z. it's penguin 13, I am soooooo happy for the beautiful pixs of Paul thank you !! And of course YOU !!! You 2 look like you had fun !!!!
My heart was broken when the fed Con in Texas was a bust !! i was there it was awful, the next day i was in a horrible car accident with my daughter, we walked away thank God and the other people were fine too tho looking at the cars you would never know.
Two days later i went in for back surgery having nothing to do with the accident !! Anyway I say this to tell YOU with great delight that I am recouping ASAP because I am coming to meet you in Chicago, and Dragon Con and I am bringing my Dr.B with me from Germany !!
I love your site and I can't wait to meet you !!! I am from Rhode Island and I Have a very special gift for a very special person- you silly !!! See you then !! Only 6 more weeks !! Yipppeeeeeee
Neat photos! Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to losing speculacularly (as always) in the 'name the location' game ;)
*Fangirl squee* Thank you for posting the pictures - lovely as always! :)
Awww, Paul McGillion and a wombat?! Plus, a pic of the lovely Alan Tudyk too! Wow, David, these are such great fun pics!
These pictures are awesome.
Made even awesomer by the fact that my nickname is the wombat.
Very nice, thanks for sharing it all!
Ya, you haven't put up a Guess the Location picture in a while. That was right when I first found this, my first post was on the last one.
Glad you have fun at the zoo. And yes, you win the award for the only picture of Paul and a wombat
Until later
OMG the pictures are great. Looks like you guys were having alot of fun! Beautiful country to be visiting.
Okay, if you play the 'Name the Location' game, pick a spot that I can actually figure out! (grins)
And that wombat picture is going to get me into so much trouble if a certain someone on a certain forum sees it on your thread. Whew, *wipes brow* at least it is Paul in the photo, I should be safe.
Wombats in the wild are terrifying. Got chased by one along a creek bed once when I was six. Good to see Paul's wombat was so much tamer! xD Hope you enjoyed every minute of Australia!! (Man, Brizzie gets 19C in winter?! *is jealous*)
Thanks for sharing - love the pics - and it looks like you guys are having a great time. I certainly enjoyed Australia (Sydney and Daintree) when I was there a few years ago.
Fotky jsou moc pekny, dekuji!
I just recently found your blog, and think it's great you keep one so that we can see what our favorite Intergalactic Czech is up to :)
As a longtime fan of Stargate, I have to say that I'm delighted that you're on the cast of Atlantis and actually speak Czech on occasion - I'm getting ready to start an Intermediate Czech course at my university and will be taking Dr. Zelenka with me to class... it always makes me laugh whenever you speak Czech in an episode and I understand some of what you're saying.
Hope you enjoyed Australia, and look forward to seeing lots of Zelenka in Season 5!
- Katka
Thanks for the pics. Glad you are having a great time.
glad you had fun (jealous) i love Australia Zoo but haven't been for ages. great pics.
Just finished watching The Seed. Great job as usual. One question...did you take that fall or was there a stuntman involved? If it was you...way to go!!
Just watched The Seed, wonderful episode. Glad to have Zelenka back. I thought he was very brave.
Thanks for sharing the pics, way cool. I love the wombat. I love saying wombat. "Wombat." I am easily amused.
Pěkné fotky, velmi neobvyklé :-) Otázečka - neplánuješ se náhodou v lednu ukázat na Pegasus 4 v Londýně? Pokud správně počítám, tak tam přijede nejméně 12 Čechů (resp. dva Češi a zbytek Češky :-)), takže by to byla pěkná party ;-) Zkus Bryanovi říct, že jestli tě letos nepozve, tak mu od českých fandů hrozí menší újma na zdraví :-)
Awwww!!! Thanks for sharing thos precious pictures of Paul. He is so sweet (you are too). ;)
Not sure about the location of the pics....
Hahaha - Wombat! Bigger than I'd have expected, but just as hilarious. Glad you had a nice time Down Under.
Not sure Scotland has the same exotic allure, but you're welcome here all the same!
I've missed getting to read your blog! Army life has definitely cut into my internet time. :P
I hope that I'm online sometime when you do another name the location; it's been way too long. :D
Dante Gabriel Rossetti had an obsession with wombats. True story, Wikipedia tells me so.
Wow, this is one long commerical break..........just kidding (rolleyes and smiles)
Only to watch you will I sit through Pterdactyl which was just on, umm that is I watch until it becomes apparent what's for dinner and then I go do the dishes.
Wow! Great pictures David and it sounds like you're having a great time. Just wanted to let you know that my sister Erica (and fellow Sci-Fi fan) has decided to honor you. She had twin boys not too long ago, and her eldest is named Radek. I can send a picture along to you later, if you'd like.
Hi david!! I know this is way late but I was back logging through your posts and I had to comment on this one!! I LOVE the pic of Paul and the Elephant!! I live all the way down here in ALABAMA and of course I am a HUGE Alabama Football Fan!!!! ROLL TIDE!!!! Well yeah Ironic enought out mascot is... Big AL the Elephant!!! I laughed OUT LOUD when I saw it!! Thanks for the GREAT work on SGA!! I wish you all the best and I will continue to support you in your work!! Much Love from BAMA country!!
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