Been a long time again, kiddies. I'm up in Kelowna filming "The Beast of Bottomless Lake" where we've been holed up for the past two weeks, making cinematic magic. I'm working with a terrific group of people - filming hijinks on Lake Okanagan.
Check out my buddy Fabrice's blog - it tells the story..
or the official production blog at
I'll be back in town next week filming "..Mortal Coil" and "Be All My Sins.." Talk to you then...
Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks for the links! You look like you're having a fantastic time. :-)
What a great photo, and thanks for the links!
You guys look like you're having fun! Interior BC must be beautiful right now - I'm so jealous! =D Take care! <3
Have a great time up there! Looking forward to seeing the movie!
Whoa, nice picture. =)
Thanks for that..
Thanks for the links. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting movie. :) You'll have to keep us updated!
Cute picture too btw.
Looks grand! Nice to see you're having a good time, and that Kelowna is pretty even after hockey season. ;)
Sounds cool! Such a different wardrobe form Atlantis!
I think you have the best laugh-picture that I have seen in a while. Two thumbs up. :D
YAY for happy pictures!
Glad you're having a good time, now stop messing around and get back to doing some REAL work. ;)
Wow, very interesting looking movie! Thanks for the links. Looking forward to seeing it. Hope you have a good weekend.
Ya, good pic. Thanks for the links, although I haven't had a chance to take a look at them yet
Yeaaaaa!!!! David has a lead role!! Can hardly wait to see the movie! Story sounds really interesting.
LOL, is that the same hat you were wearing in the pic on JM's blog?
Hey, thanks for the links to your friend's blog. The pics in it are just beautiful!
Wow - fantastic weather - it's going to look great on film. It's awesome Atlantis gave you the time to do this too - looking forward to seeing it!
Oh, send some of that lovely weather my way, will you? :) Beautiful--looking forward to the movie!
Wow...you keep busy! I'm so glad you have work. Too many of my actor friends around me are hurting for work.
The movie looks awesome. Keep us updated...of course you always do.
BTW - Great picture! Thank you for that!
-snort- "hijinks"...
Gah! Such a cute picture! XD. Love the posh sweater tied about the neck ;D. Just have time to scroll through a few of the pictures on Fabrice's blog. Looks great. Love the pic with you waving that awesome hat in the air.
-shakes fist in air threateningly-
"Daaamn you, Ogopogo!" XD. Have to buy the DVD just for that.
Can't wait to have more time to read it all.
Huzzah for 'Sins'! You know you want to post a piccy or seven of dear ol' Paul when he gets back, riiiight :D? Man, you guys rock <3 (and see if you can sneak that hat back to the Pegasus Galaxy, eh?).
Ooooo, such a vibrantly blue shirt, Dr. Z!
And the best kind of pictures are the ones where someone's laughing. :D
yé ! cool le film!! j adore la photo!! votre blog est trop trop génial!!!
Parlez vous francais ??
Another production and you're still wearing a blue shirt! OK, wait, here's another photo of you wearing a different shirt... still blue! Heh.
The skies look absolutely lovely and it looks like you're all having a good time at this shoot. I hope this movie makes its way to the States. The production blog is a great read.
Movie sounds good, I like that kind of stuff. And on photos sceneries looks vary nice. Have a nice time and keep us posted, please:)
Another movie for this summer? Huzzah!!
Looks like you're having fun, so delays in updates are more than forgiven. (Besides, you're giving me more fodder for screencaps, how could I complain?)
Cool David. You are in the Sci-Fi TV commercial promotions for Eureka!
Aw, David! You look like you're having a blast.
And yet another item I must add to my list of things to watch--thanks!
Wow! "Mortal Coil" and "Be All My Sins" sound like tense episodes!
*sigh* they finally aired "Sunday" here in the States. *sniff* Thought it was so sweet Radek was a pallbearer but geez...Still feels like a kick in the stomach that they killed off Carson. *sob*
ooo...I'm so glad I found this blog! Thanks for writing. :-)
The movie sounds wonderful - add me to the list of folks who can't wait to see it!
Ah! When does that episode air (Eureka)?! :D And:
He managed to mangle his lines and not bump into too much of the furniture. You can't let David get away with that XD! Sounds like filming 'Mortal' and 'BOMSR'is great fun ^_^.
I'm jealous! Lake Okanagan is my dream place.
Cool blog, btw! Love the wraith!
I love that photo of you with your hair flying straight up in Fabrice Grover's May 24th blog entry. Wow, you're playing an Associate Professor of Underwater Paleontology for Freshwater Cryptids. Is that more complicated than being a brilliant engineer in Atlantis?
I hope this film makes it to the US. Looks like you had lots of fun making it.
Off topic, but I don't know where to put this. David! Radek got to hang with Sheppard's team when they accepted the Spacey award! Congratulations to Atlantis for winning Favorite TV Show! What episode were you filming when the Spacey was on set?
*ping!* Are you still with us? It's been a while since an update. :) I hope everything is well.
Please, do keep us updated on the movie!
I just found this blog, so excuse the tardiness of my comment. Looking forward to seeing this movie. I wish Zelenka was given so many opportunities to laugh as you do here. Then again with the wraith and Rodney, who can blame a dearth of smiles? (Don't anyone kill me, I love Rodney too! *g*)
Definetly you're keeping us alone for too long time. We're starting to worry about
Uh... David? You haven't been sucked into a black hole or eaten by one of your wraith-friends, have you?
Just found your blog.. Hope you'll continue to post whenever you're able. I'm a big fan of the show!
Dear Mr. Nykl,
It is I, Forrest. I hope you are well with your work, you family, friends, etc., etc. Me, on the other hand, well... it's like being in Unending, except that instead of SG-1 + AVM Landry, there little old me that don't know how to escape.
But, still, I am OK. I still got the idea I've told you about. I thought that it is a good character idea for either Atlantis or "Universe." If you are interested in the character, my temporary email address is timms@paradise.net.nz.
P.S. Tell Rachel that my cousin and I have enjoyed the conversations I had that night. Same goes with you.
P.P.S. If you get a chance to talk with Amanda, tell her that she is not the only one who suffered a holiday tragedy. My eldest cousin/my parent's godson took his own life in London on New Year's Day. I know it's not the same, but in essence .... you know.
Is it to late to send out a search party? the good doctor seems to be missing.
Katrina said...
Is it to late to send out a search party? the good doctor seems to be missing.
LOL - He's probably getting ready for the con in the Czech Republic next week! Let's hope he comes back with some great pictures and fun stories!!!!!!!
Hey, just saw the preview for the next Eureka season and I saw you in them ^^
Ironiclly I was watching the season finaly of SGA when they came on.
Anyway - hope you post soon
I'm with you Katrina... I think we might need to send a search party. ...I volunteer!!!!
Uh oh... We may have to send a search party after the search party! Come back Dr.! We miss you.
Okay, I will be gone for the next two weeks (6-20th). Sorry. I will have NO computer access. Once I return I plan to ‘catch up’ with everything, I assure you.
So, try and find both the search party and Dr. Z while I'm gone ^^
Dom Perignon! Not just for breakfast anymore! ... probably why I'm so drunk. I'm REALLY starting to get worried about you Dr. Z! The natives are starting to get restless. Just look, you've forced me to alcohol! Wow. I can still type. Please come back! Now...
Ahoj Davide,jak se maš?kak se ti libilo na Gateconu v Chotěboři?
sem mu psal taky cesky a nevodpovedel :D
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