And they're off.
Shooting of season four begins March 1st - one week from today - back at the good ol' Bridge Studios. I dropped in yesterday to pick up the first three scripts - "Doppleganger", "Lifeline", and "Adrift" and to get fitted for THE SAME OLD BLUE SHIRT I ALWAYS WEAR. Yup. It's still there.
It was nice to see everyone again - there's a few new faces and changes in the crew. I stopped in to say hi to Joe Malozzi, Martin Wood, Carl Binder and Martin Gero; John Smith and the Office crew. Everyone was busy-like as they always are. Nice. I like. High five.
Flipping through the pages, there's some pretty interesting stuff coming up, Zelenka-wise. Particularly the ________ with the _________ and the look on her face after I _______. Very cool.
(You hate it when I do that don't you?) Doppleganger is first up, and it's a big one for the good Doktor. We shoot it first although it'll be the third episode in on season 4. I look forward to working with Mr Cooper.
Hope you're all well, nice to read your comments and I'll try to post as much as I can during the busy filming year. Gotta go, I've got to start learning lines...
Thanks for posting to tell us about the upcoming season. Glad to hear there will be some cool new Zelenka stuff coming up. Good luck learning your lines. I know that's the part I would have a lot of trouble with, my memory span is not that great hehe. I can't wait for Season 4!
It must be nice to be home again. ♥
I love the blanks--just the kind of spoilers I like! I was watching your episode of "Jake 2.0" Monday, but naturally my mother called just then and I missed half of your scenes! I was actually trying to watch them and listen to her, but ended up not really following either one. That's what I get for not taping it.
:) I'm so glad season 4 is filming soon! I hope that you have lots of air time. :D
Thanks for taking the time to post updates. I hope you're able to continue doing so as the season progresses.
you're evil, you know that?
with the _____ and the _____ :P
good luck with the filming, I can't wait for next fall, haha. I'll try to hold my breath that long. :P
after season 3's cliffhanger, i can imagine there should be some interesting scripts in your hands!
Also, EVIL WITH THE SPOILERS!!! Good man, whetting our appetites without giving it all away. Just the way I like it.
Can't wait to see what the good Doktor is up to next, and I'm glad you have MOAR screen time coming up this season. FIFTEEN EPISODES. AAAHHHH.
Good luck with filming, we're eagerly awaiting more Zelenka goodness!
Yes, you are evil. And that is why we love you. ^_^
Love the picture, BTW. Looks like fun times. :)
Thanks for the update!
I'm looking forward to s4 with some (okay...a lot of) trepidation, but I'm ecstatically happy that yourself and the good doctor will be back!!!!
And you're evil with the spoilers!!!!
Thanks for the update. Liking the spoilers, what a tease ;-)
I'm interested to see what the new season holds. After the cliffhanger I couldn't help thinking....next time on Lost in Space!
Wonderful pic, you look like you're having fun. We love the teasing spoilers! Here's to 15 episodes this year and even more in the future.
Ok, more costume curiosity... Given the HUGE range of shirts we've seen for uniforms, why is it that Radek always wears the long-sleeved one?
Yeah, I ask the oddest questions. But curiosity drove the pirahna insane.
Wow, what an awesome picture. And I'm glad to hear you'll be back in action.
Spoilers, even with blanks, are mean to people's brains. Now I'm trying to figure out what they mean.
Can't wait to see more of the good Doktor on the TV this spring!
*bounce* yay for more Atlantis! Great to hear there is more Zelenka stuff coming up! Zelenka Rocks! *grins*
Can't wait to see come more of your 'spoilers' ;)
Hope you have time to keep blogging while filming... good luck with the new season! :)
You're an evil tease, did you know that? Of course you do. :P~~~
Have a great time with the filming, can't wait to see the end results. :D
Have fun filming! :) FIFTEEN EPISODES! This makes the fangirls happy, it does.
And you are evil with the spoilers, man, just evil. But we like that.
Oh, cool! I just followed a squirrel link from dGeek. I had no idea you were here. *sends you a chibi*
i haven't seen SGA in...well. a while. but i just like reading what you have to say ^__^
Evil! Horrible! Terrible! We love that you tease us with your script insights.
We know you will be busy, but think of us. You must feed the piranhas atleast once a week. :)
Thank you for giving away all the good parts. ;) Glad to know the good doktor will get more chances to shine.
15 episodes! That's fantastic! *flails* I am looking forward to this season so very much now!
Hi David, thanks a lot for the blanks! Great to hear that you are in lots of episodes. As for your evil spoilers, here are some "ideas" I had with them:
...the scene with the return of Weir and the look on her face after I kissed her?
Or maybe... the moment with the new doctor and the look on her face after I looked at her buttocks?
Or... the encounter with the wraith-queen and the look on her face after I blew up her crew (just to stay a little realistic :))
All the best,
Tanja aka Halessa
Oh you are evil- what a tease!!!
Glad to hear that there are lots of great Zelenka moments coming up !!!
Oh I am so much looking forward to s4 I could burst!!!!
Yay!! It's great to read you again!! :-) But yup, go study your lines... the faster you learn them, the faster you shoot them, the faster we get the show. (If only that was how it worked!! Oh well, I'll have to watch re-runs from now.) Hope the new season goes well and that you enjoy yourself as much as one can enjoy himself when working!
Hope to read you again soon!
Gald the new season begins soon! Hope you get to do a lot and please keep teasing us from time to time. We enjoy it.
Whoot, and so the filming begins, huh? I can't wait to see how season four turns out.
How do actors memorize their lines? It absolutely, completely boggles my mind. Especially when their lines are all science based! How long are you given to learn a script?
You are a tease, you know! I can't wait to see the new episodes... though it's still ages to wait... arh! I always have to wait for something, thanks godness the F1 season starts soon :P
Good luck in filming the next season! Hopefully there won't be too much Zelenka whumping going on! Thank you for sharing what you can!
Looking forward to seeing the second half of S3 in April, though I am peeved at the executive at SciFi who thought a long break between the halves of the season was a good idea.
Thanks for the update. So glad we will be seeing more Zelenka in S4!
Ummmm; does this...
"Particularly the ________ with the _________ and the look on her face after I _______. Very cool."
mean that Zelenka is actually going to get that Swedish massage.
Great news that Zelenka will be back! I saw some fans post about 15 episodes. Is that how many you'll be in during season 4? Hope so!
Where did you take that picture of yourself?
Great to hear from you! I'm in a cybercafe in Asia, still travelling. I'm not back at work for at least another week, when I returned to Australia.
Arggghh.... no fair ... I would love to see Radek in a BDU or something besides the blue shirt... I reckon he's earned it and he does go away on missions nowadays.
Take care and as always, a delight to read your blog!
Just one really important question: do we get to see any space boats? Because they would be awesome.
Different day...same shirt? Let us hope it's not a permanent thing. Best of luck come next Thursday!
Hey David, do you have a Myspace page? 'cause there's one out there, and was wondering if it's you or if it's just a fan page...
yay!!!! Can't wait :D have fun.
One should never leave blanks for us crazy fans to fill in especially the "______ and the look on her face after I ____" Hmmm... I hope it has nothing to do with the same old Blue shirt? (I do hope that it does get laundered right?)
Great to hear that filming has started--I can't wait, reruns are starting to hurt my fron (heheh)
Thanks for the update
Hi Thanks for the news.
We are really looking forward to see more of doctor Zelenka and Czech sentences( Obzvlaste mi co jim rozumime :-))
You tease you ;)
Absolutely thrilled that you & Dr Z will be back in S4 :D (And believe me, I haven't said that very much about S4!)
Best of luck with the new eps :)
"Particularly the ________ with the _________ and the look on her face after I _______. Very cool."
'fencing', 'Ancient' and 'croisé her ass'?
Anyway, enjoy your last few days of freedom and good luck with S4!
Wow I can't beleive I've only just stumbled across this. That's for giving us the insight about filming on SGA. I hope they give you a big fat juicy season plot line cause I lvoe seeing zelenka strut his stuff!
Oh sorry for double posting but you're looking a little like michael shanks in that photo!
I'm so glad to hear about lots of Zelenka in Season Four. Of course, as a Yank, I'm still waiting for the rest of Season Three... April 13rth is a long way off. 8)
It's like Madlibs! See?:
"Particularly the __(noun)__ with the __(color)___ and the look on her face after I __(verb)___. Very cool."
Does this mean that you get to wear a leather jacket as well? I still think that such a wardrobe addition calls for flame decals on the side of a puddle jumper or two >D Or possibly a small piranha window decal? XD You should slip one into a scene and see if you're found out. -ha ha-
Ah David, you are all over Mallozzi's blog there. Just goofing off an whatnot. :-P *raspberry*
you mean the _________??i cant believe it!! wow!!!!!!!!!!
good luck with the filming!!!!
"Nice. I like. High Five."
Nice Borat reference there. Love it.
Evil blanking out! ;P But thank you so much for teasing us with the little you are allowed to say. Hope filming is going well and w00t for the Zelenka goodness in S4.
Particularly the ________ with the _________ and the look on her face after I _______. Very cool.
I love madlibs.
And I'm going back into obscurity now.
Hi David... maybe I missed it, but who's the guy in the photo above Jason? He looks soooo familiar, but, can't place him. Thanks!!
That's too close-up!
These pictures are all very interesting. I love them all.
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