Now that Dave Hewlett has a budding
rap career I can consider myself lucky to get a photo with him. He's so-o-o busy now.. Props to you Mr H. It's quite funny.
I'm back after a lengthy break - which is becoming a pattern I'm noticing about this blog. I'm more of a once or twice every two weeks kind of poster than a daily play-by-play guy.
Congratulations to faithchan for correctly identifying Boston, Mass on the previous post. It's just outside of Filene's Basement, on the way up to the Common. We so rarely look up when we trudge through our cities, don't we? Particularly when we live in them.
Just finished shooting a coupla' days worth of Reunion in my cup. Lotsa Momoa mojo going down all over the place. Gonna be wicked eppy.
Also, this just in - fingers crossed - might be appearing in the CZECH REPUBLIC this summer, if all goes down well, and maybe an undisclosed US location. (snuggled up beside Cheney, I'm sure) Watch this space for breaking news.