I just had to post this very quickly, because I still can't quite believe it: I just had a lengthy phone call with Joe Mallozi and he told me that they've been discussing having Zelenka replace McKay as Chief Science Officer of Atlantis! Can you believe it! How awesome is that!
Details are not certain yet, but he said they'd like to do it in the mid season two parter after an "incident" befalls Rodney on Sateda. "Can I tell the fans?" I asked. "Go ahead", said Joe.
How 'bout that?!!!
Greetings from Argentina :)
Regarding your post... Hehehe
Happy April's Fool Day for you too ;)
Oh, this had BETTER be an April Fools'! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
Although, I wouldn't say no to more Zelenka. ;)
Hmmm, something tells me if this were not an April Fool's joke, Mallozzi would have posted it on his own blog (but then again, he does claim to be a supervillain, and so maybe he wouldn't...)
Happy April Fool's to you too.
Send a big hello to the set from Nova Scotia, :)
Ayla McKay
Nova Scotia
OH, right, this comes after McKay gets jilted by Carter in favor of Col Sheppard, and he can't take it anymore, not only for the obvious reasons of having two people in the science dept smarter than him, but because without her he has to resort to Ronon to relieve his personal woes, thus his being ditched on Sateda...
Kam :D
Happy April Fool's, David! Not that I wouldn't love Radek running things, but I'm a wee bit attached to that Rodney fellow :)
I'm stuck between being elated, dismayed, and wanting to laugh my head off with the assumption that this is some wondrously clever April Fool's joke that had me going for a moment.
...is it an April Fool's joke?
I don't know if this was a joke or not but if its not, then I'd be stuck between squeeing like mad and crying. I can't choose between you and the Hewlett..
Heh, you said OMFG. You made me giggle.
I definitely wouldn't fight more Zelenka.
Beyond that, I got nothing.
Something tells me the SGA set is a dangerous place around the first of April.
As much as I like Radek (don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful character), but without Rodney (especially after the loss of a certain Scotsman and the rumored lessening of Torris' role), it wouldn't be Atlantis anymore, just a mishmash of the remainders of SGA and SG-1 in the Pegasus galaxy.
PLEASE tell us this is an April Fools joke that happens to be in rather poor taste.
Susan Baker
x x x
It's not nice to make the little fangirls hyperventilate on April Fool's Day.... :-D
But amusing, it is. Very amusing.
Mmmmm...if only! That would be interesting...LOL
Happy April Fool's Day to you too David!
And here I thought I was going to get all the way through today with no jokes--I should have known better! Are you trying to get Joe Mallozzi in trouble??
Would that be after McKay's consciousness gets transferred to Weir's body? ;)
(Hey I'm all for Dr. Z. taking over)
Woohoo!!! Yahoo!!!! Yippee!!!! What do you mean it's April Fools day? :p
That would be totally fantastic, if this wasn't April Fools day and if the rumors about you having a great sense of humor weren't true!
OMG!!! If this were true...I would have died!!
Happy April Fools Day to you too, David!!
...zomg. I'm going to possibly burst my spleen laughing here. April Fools' Day is always more hilarious on April 2nd. You're just going to have to get up earlier to trick some of us, I'm afraid!
(But I am still hoping it's going to be true one day, hah)
I loved the Kevin Sorbo 'news' too, that was pretty silly. :)
Hmmmm, must've been something in the donuts. Don't worry David, we'll leave the special secret ingredient out next time.
Hee hee, oh we fangirls are so easy to torment!
Happy April Fools to you too... though technically it's the 2nd now by me... Which reminds me, I need to sleep...
(*gigglez* You said "OMFG." You now win even more.)
Oooh, fun! More Zelenka! What does Radek have to look forward to?
Going offworld more often. Shooting a gun. Hunted by the Wraith. Running for his life. Getting shot at. Trapped by earthquakes. Hiking in the hot sun. Kidnapped for his mind. Cocooned on a Hive ship. Gassed. Buried by lava. Drowning. Fed drugged food. More radiation exposure. Having to come up with scientifically genius solutions to save Atlantis. All the time. With no doughnuts.
Does Radek really want to be the Chief Science Officer?
Good one David!
Though I should add that I'd love it if Radek got a promotion. I mean, he is around Atlantis more often than Rodney...
Happy April Fools Day to you too :D
Wow, you win at April Fool's day. Then again, nobody else tried, so you kind of win by default.
Anyway, wonderful "news", keep us informed with the tidbits as you can! ;)
HAHA! It would be awesome to see good ol' Dr Z in charge.
And hello from Australia!
The funniest part about this whole entry is the title. Are you suuuuuure you don't belong on LiveJournal?
How can teh riterz, liek, be that stooopid??
*gasps for air*
Here, have the April Fools' Trophy :)
Ahh! You bloody had me until I looked up at the very end and saw the date it had been posted on. Shouldn't have let my bloody guard down (it's now the 2nd, I'm just reading your blog late).
After all the jokes and stunts around yesterday, you still had me for a second there! If only there were a way to put Dr Z in charge without bumping off McKay.
Hope you had a good April 1st :)
and as a sidenote, as a few people have mentioned - you said OMFG. :D That's makes you about 10x cooler. ^__^
Ha, too bad it's already the 2nd here in Australia. Good one though, buddy ;)
OMFG? You said OMFG? You're not my SISTER!
But that was an awesome prank.
Ok, Dr Z, we really need to wean you off the internets. I suspect that we may possibly need to hold an intervention.
No one over the age of 12, ok maybe 14, should use the phrase "OMFG". Ever.
Really. No, I'm not kidding.
I think perhaps Atlantis was struck by some strange spore ala "The Naked Now"? That would perhaps explain the colloquialism used in your title. If this is the case, bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish. Just be sure to take pictures while people are taipsing about naked in the showers.
Lots of pictures.
Snort. Good one!! ;)
LOL!!!! You had me panicking there for a minute until I noticed the date!! LOL!! :D
hehehe you said OMFG.
ROFLMFAO that is so very cool.
Happy April fool's day...
But we'd all love to know what "Department" Dr. Z is head of that McKay thinks is a joke...
Note to self for future reference - don't read anybody's blog entries on 1 April... that much laughter can't be good for a body....
Well played. Very well played.
And seriously, don't give your little legion of fangirls ideas. There are few things we wouldn't do to get Zelenka more screentime. Except maybe off Rodney. Seriously, I describe the entire show by late Season 2 as "The David and David Show" when roping in new fans. So far - not a one has disagreed with that description. ;)
Well if it were true it would be amazing!!!!!
If only this were true :p Then I saw the date... and LOL at the blog title.
Oh man, I got super excited for just about a second. I would LOVE this. Not that I don't love Rodney, but Z taking over - rock!
Happy April 1, David!
I really wish I had read this before I had gone to work last night! But at least it was one heck of a great pick-me-up after a long night. Thanks, David!
I'm Spanish, so I ALMOST fall in this! Lucky me I paid attention in my English lessons and I remember the 'April's Fool Day'... but I think there you have a good idea, it would be funny to see that happen at least for a few chapters... ;)
Heh, I read this on April 2nd, about gave me a heart attack :p It's not that I wouldn't want more Zelenka it's just I wouldn't want less McKay!
I hope you didn't get too many bad pranks pulled on you. :)
ROFLMAO!!! Hilarious, I love it! I was totally taken in until I came to post a comment (to congratulate you and warn you to warn Radek to watch his back!) then I saw the other "Happy April Fool's Day" comments! I was laughing so hard that I'd have been fired if the boss hadn't left early, even though he's an Atlantis fan too!
I can tell I'm gonna have to be careful about taking sneaky peeks here while I'm at work!
You are so bad. I love that. : )
Thanks for the laugh.
You are kidding, Right? ;)
You, Mr. Nykl, rock. Thanks for this on an otherwise dreary gray workday.
XD For the win!
Let me guess--McKay gets pregnant?
A little late, but happy April Fools!
Skvělý!! Štastnýho Apríla, bohužel, dřív jsem se nestihl podívat. Škoda,že to není pravda, mohlo by být zajímavé vidět jak Zelenka přebírá vedení vědeckých laboratořích na Atlantis i kdyby jen na pár dílů, třeba kvůli lidem z IOA.
This is ALMOST, I mean it is THISCLOSE, to being as good as the one that had McKay residing in Dr. Weir's body for the second half of Season 4 with the added bonus of a Sheppard/Weir romantic entanglement!
Zelenka is the better person. And he's more intellegent, but quieter. Too bad that it is an April Fools.
Susan said: "PLEASE tell us this is an April Fools joke that happens to be in rather poor taste." Poor taste? It was HILARIOUS!! Lemme see if I can give my sister conniptions! (She loves Rodney)
LOL, Happy April Fool's hon! Good one!!!
-dies laughing-
When I read the post, I felt like a really big rhino had been dropped on me (rhinos are big anyways, but shush). Eeevil. Of course, reading this late, I said to myself, "What are all these people talking about. 'April Fools Day'? Are they just mentally unstable?"
Then I sheepishly realized that it was the second of April and I had missed April Fool's Day completely...
I still can't believe you said 'OMFG' XD. Is there a Czech translation for that ;D?
Have you gotten yourself any more donuts, yet? I wonder if they make any in piranha shape *hmmm*. ;D
Haha, April fools. Right? You BETTER post if it is or isn’t (Not a threat, just a persuasive request :D )
If it's not a joke:
1) OMFG? You sound like a fangirl! *Whistles like she's not one*
2) I do love Dr. Z, but I love McKay as well
3) I don’t think Joe would say that you could tell us; that’s WAY to big a spoiler for something not even decided!
4) After the Carson stunt they pulled. They damn well better not get rid of McKay too.
5) IF they do get rid of McKay, it better be like three episodes while he's on earth... or in a coma in the infirmary
6) There better be more Dr. Z (I'll even say it 'zed') season 4!!!
7) *Giggles at the thought of the other David reading this*
8) *Ponders why all the cute ones are named David*
~ Tori, Mass. USA
Hardy ha ha.
Making the fans choose between the Davids, now that is just too cruel.
Riots would break out on GateWorld. Blood would flow through the comments of LiveJournal. dGeek forums would become a battle site, and massive de-friending would run rampant. It would be Blogday, Bloody Blogday.
Btw? OMFG = ftw, srsly.
Beat *that* netspeak.
April fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if not...all hail the new science big wig in Atlantis!!!!
Oh man
*feels stupid*
I actually fell for it. I was going to post an OMG YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT" comment with the capslock and the exclamation marks and then my computer died and I forgot about it by the time I got LJ access again in the evening.
I only realised it was an April Fools joke after reading your latest post.
Are you cereal!?
That would be so cool! Zelenka is cuter and way smarter than McKay.;)
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