And they're off.
Shooting of season four begins March 1st - one week from today - back at the good ol' Bridge Studios. I dropped in yesterday to pick up the first three scripts - "Doppleganger", "Lifeline", and "Adrift" and to get fitted for THE SAME OLD BLUE SHIRT I ALWAYS WEAR. Yup. It's still there.
It was nice to see everyone again - there's a few new faces and changes in the crew. I stopped in to say hi to Joe Malozzi, Martin Wood, Carl Binder and Martin Gero; John Smith and the Office crew. Everyone was busy-like as they always are. Nice. I like. High five.
Flipping through the pages, there's some pretty interesting stuff coming up, Zelenka-wise. Particularly the ________ with the _________ and the look on her face after I _______. Very cool.
(You hate it when I do that don't you?) Doppleganger is first up, and it's a big one for the good Doktor. We shoot it first although it'll be the third episode in on season 4. I look forward to working with Mr Cooper.
Hope you're all well, nice to read your comments and I'll try to post as much as I can during the busy filming year. Gotta go, I've got to start learning lines...