When I first started blogging many months ago, I had no idea I was getting into a publish or perish situation. I mean really! The pressure!!
It's when Joe M only half-jokingly mentioned that he's been asked on his blog to ask me to update mine that I realized the gravity of the situation: I'm losing touch with all you lovelies out there. Quick get me a keyboard!! I. Must. Update. It's been more than a month!
I blame the weather. It's been sunny. And after a dismal monsoon season here in B'an Coober, I'm outside all the time. Since I'm not much of a "bring the computer with me wherever I go" guy, my blogging suffers for it. As does my FARKing, chess playing, emailing, google earthing, Onioning, and hacking of the Academy Awards website to get Marketa Irglova her oscar.
It's raining. So here I am. Whadd'ya want?
Ah yes. News. What's news... Well I guess I can officially announce TWO conventions in the U.S. this summer. FINALLY! (trumpets &c) All within two weeks of each other: Chicago Creation con in August, and the following weekend Dragon Con in Atlanta. I've only been to one con in the U.S. - United con in Massachusettes a few years back, so I'm looking forward to meeting you again, and many more at either of these two venues. I've not been to either con yet, so I hope they'll be good ones - especially to you guys.
I've just finished a nice six-day run out at the Bridge Studio (did you know that the Golden Gate bridge was manufactured in the same building we have our puddle jumper set? - It's true. It was shipped down to San Francisco for assembly) Two episodes in those six days: Ghost in the Machine and The Shrine. Some nice McKay/Zelenka scenes in there. Two great eppies too.
Got some auditions to prepare. Must run. Oh, and finally - thanks for all your questions about when "Beast of Bottomless Lake" is coming out. Latest I've heard is all the money's been sewn up, a work copy is ready, and it's "Almost ready". Whatever that means. Here. Ask Kennedy. here's his email: jedischooldropout@telus.net