Please, no search parties. I'm right here. Over here. In the middle of the old continent, roughly at 50 degrees north and a coupl'a degrees east of Greenwich. The winds have died down and the sun has returned to Prague, which is a nice change from the last week.
I just returned from a crazy fun weekend out in Chotebor where the Festival Fantasie is now winding down after 10 days of SciFi mayhem. How do you guys do it? Unbelievable. I was so impressed by the dedication and, shall we say, ardour of the fans here in the Czech Republic. Wow. I was treated to a complete compendium of every ounce of czech the good doctor has ever spoken in every episode, complete with deafening applause from the audience. Then there were the presentations. Hour upon hour of Stargate minutiae, diligenty rendered, photoshopped, powerpointed and commented. I only visited for two days, but boy were they intense. I'll publish more pictures as they become available. But in the meantime - velmy Vam vsem dekuju za prizen. Bylo to ohromne.
Back home lickety split and off to Pegasus, where a Quarantine awaits. Oh dear.
I'll publish more frequently now that the schedule is calming down. (I always say that, don't I..)
p.s. Can anyone guess the castle?