Look at you. Still out there. In the cold. The show's in syndication, but you guys are still there. The Zelenka faithful. You inspire me...
It's been a great year full of ups and downs - and it went by SO fast. And 2010 is just around the corner. Lots to look forward to - the "Beast of Bottomless Lake" is finally ready to roll out the door - after over two years in post. From what I hear it supposed to be awesome. Really looking forward to seeing it. I'll keep you updated. There's a smattering of stage work and some film projects on their way - Remember to keep an eye out for Human Target on Fox sometime in January or so. The episode I'm in is #4 - "Rewind".
Thanks for your support over the past year - I met a lot of you in various corners of the planet, and I look forward to doing much the same in 2010. I leave you with a little gift - some free avatars of Zelenka for your "snurching". Just click on the present on my website.