My alter-ego, the annoying voice inside my ahead, aka -David Nykl, who claims to be an "expert" on all things Zelenka, disappeared last night into an alternate universe...
Coming soon to an iPod, TV, or LCD Monitor near you: David Nykl will be appearing in episode 3 ("Unpredictable") of SciFi's
other hit series "Eureka", Season Two, as Dr Stephen Whitticus - a scientist with a secret of Global Warming proprtions.
I had a lovely time on set with Colin Ferguson, Erica Cerra, Joe Morton, and Salli Richardson, as well as my lovely Eureka wife: Stephanie Von Pfetten. We finished at about 3:30 in the morning, so I didn't get to take any pictures of the set, I could barely get on my bike for the short trip home: we were filming Eureka about two-hundred feet "across the tracks" from my trailer on the Atlantis set, where I had been just a few hours earlier on Tabula Rasa.
A double day in two universes for this Nykl guy, and no wormholes were needed. Just two wheels and some sprockets.
I'm not sure when it airs. Does anyone out there watch the show? What's it like?...
Oh, and before I forget, next installment of Guess the Location coming very soon...