Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hey Bonjour y'all. I thought that par ce que we were criticized for not having enough francais in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games I thought I would endeavor to set things right and go pratique my francais in Paris. I know. I know. It's tough. It's a sacrifice, but I'll do it in the name of bilingualism.
Turns out I'll be going to the Sci Fi Show in Paris this weekend as a last minute guest addition. Crazy, what? It's just part and parcel of this high flying celebrity lifestyle. I'm looking forward to it very much, if only to get out of this five-ring circus called Vancouver 2010 for the weekend.
The commercial is on TV! Compare it to the original which aired back in the eighties. Fun fun.
Hope you guys are doing well, look forward to seeing you in France!