...and the bartender says "what'll it be?..." and the Wraith goes: "I'll have the tuscan chicken quesadilla with the tabouli salad" and the first doctor says "I'll have the Huevos Rancheros and a coffee" and the second doctor goes "Do you have rye toast?".
...and that's all of the joke that I can remember.
Aaron Craven a recent Wraith Commander and all around television visionary (r), and the unbuttoned and unHINGED
Paul McGillion (l), mid crosswalk on Sunset. It's finally stopped snowing in Los Angeles and the sun has come out, so we've been going around the neighbourhood sitting in people's lawn furniture, just to check out, you know, how it feels.
Simpsons have a star on the boulevard. All is right.
Speaking of rye toast, Gehry's
Disney Concert Hall is quite an awesome building. It sits like a burning element in downtown L.A.
I didn't go inside, but walked all around it. The sun hits it and it illuminates like a hot ember. Many modern buildings are cool, watery - they flow and soothe, but this building starts fires and browns delivery vans. Very neat. Good metaphor for a philharmonic orchestra.