Friday, September 26, 2008

CERN, VIFF, and Presidential Debates

Okay, so now they've had to take the Large Hadron Collider offline because it was overheating. Well duh. I could see that one coming. I kept telling them 'just pull over and top up that radiator fluid' but did they listen?.. They NEVER listen to me...
Went to some pretty cool forums today at the Vancouver Film Festival. It was TV Day and the topic was "Series That Have Legs". Ironic, no? And you know what was the most common factor cited as "hooking" and audience? -- Character. Good strong, identifiable characters. They draw an audience.
Whew. There's hope for me yet... (so if you know any exec. producers out there looking to cast a series - bump my name up, will ya?)
Speaking of hope in troubled times: watched the US presidential debate on TV tonight (the Canadian election was on another channel, but it wasn't as good a show) and I must say I was impressed with the level of debating going on. It was sure a relief to hear intelligent discussion after what we've been seeing and hearing for the past eight years. I wish you guys well. I wish us ALL well. Pick the right guy.
Can you guess the song Robert Picardo is playing?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Goodbye Reuben Tuesday

The Large Hadron Collider went online today. Big news for Switzerland. Not such a big deal for us on Atlantis. We use ours at work to make Reuben sandwiches.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tired Monsters

Doesn't it get hot under all that rubber? Especially in Atlanta in the summer?!... You guys are epic. Most of the 30,000 of you at DragonCon last weekend were dressed up in some way, and often it was pretty amazing. I saw several Shaun's of the Dead, many many Stormtroopers, and at least two dozen "new" smeared make-up Jokers. Impressive. There were fairies and furries, clones and clowns, and all manner of living dead. The hotel was pretty epic too. Love that 50 storey atrium.
Met many of you from a part of the world I rarely travel to and wish I did more: the U.S. South. I even had the Cream of Wheat porridge FOR SUPPER instead of breakfast, like y'all do down there. And it taste nothing like grit. It taste like porridge for dinner is all...
Hard to believe but this will be my last week on Atlantis the series. Three days this week, two on "Enemy at the Gate", the finale; and a day on "Vegas" the penultimate Atlantis adventure. Whew. Those five years went fast! It seems like only yesterday a hapless doctor with a weird accent told his commanding officer to "stop talking please". That was way back. Atlantis old school.
I'll bring my camera. Take some piccies.